What is Pay Per Install and How it Works

What is Pay Per Install and How it Works

Understanding Pay Per Install (PPI) and How It Works

In today's digital world, getting your software noticed can be tough. That's where Pay Per Install (PPI ADS Network) comes in. It’s a smart way for software makers to get their apps installed on more devices, and for publishers to earn money. Let's break down what PPI is and how it works in simple terms.

What is Pay Per Install?

Pay Per Install (PPI) is a type of digital advertising. In PPI, software developers or advertisers pay each time their app or software gets installed on someone’s device. It’s all about getting more installs, not just views or clicks.

Pay Per Install (PPI) is a pricing model where app advertisers only pay for each time their app gets installed by a user. Unlike other models, they don’t pay for views, clicks, or any other type of engagement—just for actual installs.

How Does PPI Work?

1. Making Partnerships:

Advertisers and Publishers: The first step in PPI is creating a partnership. Advertisers (the people who want to promote their software) team up with publishers (the platforms or websites that will distribute the software). Advertisers are usually software makers, while publishers could be app stores or popular websites.

Middlemen or Networks: Sometimes, there are PPI networks that connect advertisers with the right publishers. These networks help find the best places to promote the software.

2. Bundling and Promoting:

Bundling Software: Publishers often bundle or package the advertiser’s software with other apps. For example, if you download a free game, you might see an option to install a companion app or a tool along with it.

Installation Prompts: During the installation process of the main app, users get a prompt or suggestion to install the additional software. This can be either an option they need to agree to (opt-in) or something they can choose not to install (opt-out).

3. Reaching New Users:

Targeted Promotion: PPI campaigns usually target specific users. Advertisers can choose who sees their software based on age, location, or interests. This makes sure the software reaches people who are more likely to use it.

Incentivized Installs: Sometimes, users are given incentives, like rewards or discounts, to encourage them to install the software. This can make the offer more attractive.

4. Paying and Tracking:

Cost Per Install (CPI): Advertisers agree to pay a set amount for each installation. This is called Cost Per Install (CPI). The CPI rate depends on things like the type of software, who they’re targeting, and where it’s being distributed.

Tracking Installs: PPI systems have ways to track how many times the software gets installed. They use special codes or tracking links in the software. Publishers then report these numbers to the advertisers, who pay based on the reported installs.

Benefits of PPI

1. Affordable: PPI is cost-effective because advertisers only pay for real installs, not just views or clicks.

2. Gaining Users: It’s a great way for software makers, especially new ones, to quickly get more users.

3. Targeted Ads: Advertisers can choose exactly who sees their software, making their campaigns more effective.

4. Earnings for Publishers: Publishers can make money by promoting other software, using their own distribution channels.

Challenges and Things to Watch Out For

1. User Experience: Sometimes, users might not like the extra software being bundled in. It’s important to make sure they clearly understand and agree to what they’re installing.

2. Software Quality: The software being promoted should be good quality. Promoting bad or harmful software can hurt the reputation of both the advertiser and the publisher.

3. Following the Rules: Both advertisers and publishers need to follow rules about software distribution, including getting user consent and protecting user privacy.


Pay Per Install is a powerful tool in the digital marketing world. It helps software makers get more installs and lets publishers earn money by distributing apps. But it needs to be used carefully. It’s important to be clear and honest with users about what they’re installing and to follow all the necessary rules. When done right, PPI can be a win-win for everyone involved: advertisers get more users, publishers make money, and users discover new software that they might find useful.

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